Group Classes

Group Classes:

Introduction to Table Tennis: This class is designed for children who have never played table tennis before. In this class, children will learn basic techniques such as holding their paddle correctly.

Pre-Requisites: None

Intermediate Level Table Tennis: This class is more challenging and engaging than the Introduction to Table Tennis class but less difficult than the advanced class. Children will continue to work on the fundamentals, but also practicing. Table tennis is all about practicing.

Helpful Pre-Requisites: Introduction to Table Tennis

Advanced Level Table Tennis: This class is the most challenging table tennis class offered at Rahbordi. Talented children may be moved up to this class directly from the Introduction to Table Tennis class, but usually, children come from the Intermediate class. When children join this class, they know at least 95% of the fundamentals, so they will practice competitively.

Helpful Pre-Requisites: Intermediate Level Table Tennis